How to be A Good Parent Effective Tips & Techniques

Entering into the parenthood can be very exciting yet rewarding! This is the new phase that you are probably not experienced about. Not considering the age of your kid, your work for them can never be done. Parenthood is never that easy as it seems, it’s quite a tough job to do! Every parent wants to be the best when it comes to teach the ethics, culture and the most important thing to differentiate between good and bad. After all, at the end all we want is to make our kid a good human being. Change starts when we initiate it; it’s always a good idea to nurture their confidence so that they are independent enough to face anything that comes in their way!

Technology has brought a lot of advancements in our lives, then why not to start it using in a way that just in case if we are no more there to guide our kids, they have our teaching in such a way that can help them be motivated just by listening to it. There are a number of store voice messages app available, which can make them feel your virtual presence, even after you are not with them.

So let’s begin with some of the best tips for an effective parenting!

• Express your love and affection

The best feeling that you can make your kid feel about is the way you express your love and affection for them. A hug or just a warm touch can them realize how much you love them. Never miss this opportunity!

  • Never miss to tell them that you love them the most even if you are angry
  • Try to make them feel comfortable with affection and love
  • You can boost up their confidence with a little encouragement and appreciation, which will help them in future also.

• Compliment your kid

Complimenting your kid is the important part in their overall development. Always make your kids feel good about all the achievements. Make them realize that yes, all of their achievements are acknowledged and you are very proud of all the works they have done.

• Never compare your kid with other kids

Every individual is unique in own way! Try to cherish this fact of your kids and don’t enforce the desires of others on to your own child. If you demoralize them, they may get inferiority complex, which may therefore affect their personal development.

  • Spend some quality time with them

You must know the difference between over protecting your kid and imprisoning your kid. You must make them feel comfortable around you, so that they can discuss their problem with you.

  • Positive parenting

Positive parenting is the combination of teaching and understanding; you understand their issues and teach them how to face them furiously. Try to set certain limits and shown your consistency which will for sure help in good discipline. Induce kindness and firmness both at the same time.


Try to use technology in its best way, store voice messages app which will help you not only in your present but also in your future .It will help you to guide your loved ones even if you are not present with them. Though parenting can be tough, but if you believe in yourself and your abilities you can make your kid a better person.