Puzzles are not just a means of fun. Puzzle games have been attributed various benefits from increasing memory and speed up learning in toddlers & children to improving their social skills. But what exactly are the benefits of puzzles and what do they mean for your child.
Their benefits may include:
- Development of memory, recall and associated benefits
- Development of motor skills, hand-eye coordination and visual recognition
- Development of problem-solving ability or deductive skills and emotional development
The benefits of puzzles may not be as absolute as numerous blogs and articles imply – they certainly lack enough science and research – however, we should not dismiss them off hand since most make sense. What you need to remember is that puzzles may not be solely responsible for your child’s development, but they are tools that provide a fun and entertaining way to add to the development of these skills.
Puzzles and Memory
Benefits of puzzles may include a positive effect on memory retention and recall function. Practicing a particular puzzle game will mean that proficiency at that particular game increases – like getting better at solving crosswords with practice.
However, they will not increase your child’s memory. They will, however, make sure that your child uses these cognitive functions while trying to solve the puzzle, nothing more than other similar and engaging activities. However, puzzles should augment not replace similar activities.
Puzzles and Learning
Learning is the most logical of the benefits of puzzles. Puzzle games make your child try hard at solving various problems. Solving different kinds of puzzle games as opposed to just one game may make solving problems easier for your child. Deductive skills are acquired and thus can certainly be picked up by your child.
Puzzles and Emotions
Solving puzzle games takes patience; this does not mean that all puzzle games will improve your child’s patience. They may if they are engaging and colourful enough to attract your child’s attention and help keep them focused.
Emotional development is only possible for your child if you take part in games with them as interaction with other people is the only way for them to figure out socially acceptable boundaries.
Puzzles are available for various age groups and in various types like, jigsaw puzzles, peg/knob puzzles, mechanical puzzles and more – the list is virtually endless. Their appropriateness deals mainly with the age of the child, and they are usually suitable for both boys and girls.
They are an excellent choice as a gift for toddlers and children. They are almost always fun to solve and come in attractive packages which mean that children will almost certainly like playing with them.